
Banana Biologicl Kit

The BANANA KIT consists of bacterial based bio inoculants in liquid grade, granular micronutrients and a growth promoter. Banana kit is intended to be used in Banana, Papaya and any other horticultural crops.

1. Azotogro : 1 Litre(Nitrogen fixing bacteria)
2. Phosphogro : 1 Litre (Phosphrous solubilizing bacteria)
3. Aurentiagro : 1 Litre (Potash mobilizing bacteria)
4. Poshak special : 1 Litre (Zinc solubilizing bacteria)
5. Zinc Supreme : 8 kg (Multi Micronutrient)
6. Poshak Nano :500 gm (A root growth stimulator)

Dosage: The above contents that are packed in 1 kit is for 1 acre
Time of Application: Between 10&40 days after planting
Method of application: As soil application by way of drenching or through Drip.
Precautions:  As the products are biological in nature, do not mix with any Chemical inputs during application.

Improves the crop stand
Reduction in the usage of chemical N,P and K fertilizer by 15-25%
Makes the plant tolerate diseases like Bunchy top, Sigataoka and wilts
Increases the number of fruit on the bunch and the size of those fruit
Gives at least 3- 6 kgs of extra weight per bunch
Uniform bunch emergence and maturity
Improves keeping quality to enable longer periods of storage and transport.
Early maturity
Can be applied through Drip Also

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